Strategic Consulting in Technology Consulting model IT Comprehensive Evaluations IT SecurityBusiness continuityMarketing Support Specialized services

Evaluation of Digital Maturity levels in the Organization
Advice for Digital Transformation of the Organization
Support in the development of an IT Master Plan
Strategic and Financial Objectives Alignment within the Company

JFStrategy acts as a Trusted Advisor for Senior Management of companies and institutions. It works as a unit that understands the business’s needs as well as its different strategies, in order to design collaboration mechanisms among project managers, define strategies for technological implementations and bring together the efforts of all participants so that actions are carried out efficiently .

Based on interviews with management areas, this unit creates and proposes overall technological strategies to Upper Management, and supports it in planning, coordination, supervision, compliance and integration of data, keeping it informed about the progress, deviations and possible new routes, in accordance with the expectations and strategic plans of the company.

• Existing Hardware Evaluation
• Programs, Apps and Databases Evaluation
• Telecommunications and Infrastructure Evaluation
• Analysis of Processes and Operational Practices
• Analysis of the Organizational Structure and Job Profiles

• Information Security Management System (ISMS)
• Risk analysis
• Information Security Diagnosis
• Vulnerability Analysis and Ethical Hacking
• Risk Management
• Coding Audits

• Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
• Disaster Recovery Planning(DRP)
• Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

• Qualitative studies, benchmarking and proof of concept.
• Evaluation of Customer Service / Multichannel Mystery Shopping (in-person, via telephone, web sites, social networks, chat, email, apps)
• Advice for Digital Transformation of Commercial and Marketing areas of the companies
• Advice for the creation of Social Networks areas (policies, processes, organizational structure)

• Compliance with Mexico’s National Digital Strategy
• Gap Analysis and Audits
• Security Management Outsourcing